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Synonyms And Antonyms

The Many Ways to Say "Reluctantly"

Synonyms and Antonyms


  • Apathetically
  • Hesitantly
  • Impassively
  • Incuriously
  • Indifferently
  • Perfunctorily
  • Unwillingly
  • Disinterestedly


  • Eagerly
  • Enthusiastically
  • Warmly
  • Willingly
  • Cheerfully

Example Sentences

  • She reluctantly agreed to go to the party.
  • He apathetically watched the game on TV.
  • She hesitantly opened the door.
  • He impassively stared at the painting.
  • She incuriously glanced at the newspaper.
  • He indifferently shrugged his shoulders.
  • She perfunctorily shook his hand.
  • He unwillingly gave her the money.
  • She disinterestedly listened to his story.


There are many different ways to express reluctance, from the subtle apathy of "hesitantly" to the outright refusal of "unwillingly." The choice of word depends on the context and the speaker's intent. By understanding the nuances of these words, you can effectively convey your reluctance in any situation.
