Julian Assange To Plead Guilty In Espionage Law Violation

Julian Assange to Plead Guilty in Espionage Law Violation


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has faced legal battles for over a decade in connection with the publication of classified information by his organization. In February 2011, The Guardian published the encryption key for the leaked documents in its book "WikiLeaks."

Guilty Plea Deal

On Wednesday, Assange is expected to plead guilty to a single felony count of illegally obtaining and disclosing classified information as part of a plea deal that will end his prosecution under the US Espionage Act.

Release from UK Prison

Assange was released from a British prison earlier this year. He had been held in the UK while fighting extradition to the US on the espionage charges.

Return to Australia

Following his guilty plea, Assange is expected to be extradited to the US to serve his sentence. However, the terms of the plea deal may include provisions for his eventual return to his home country, Australia.

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