Julian Assange The Man Behind Wikileaks

Julian Assange: The Man Behind WikiLeaks

Early Years and Career

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, rose to prominence in the early 2000s. Born in Australia, he studied computer science and philosophy before embarking on a career in hacking and journalism. In 2006, he established WikiLeaks, a website dedicated to publishing leaked and classified information from anonymous sources.

Collateral Murder and the Rise of WikiLeaks

In 2010, WikiLeaks made global headlines when it published the "Collateral Murder" footage, depicting the killing of Iraqi civilians by U.S. forces. This explosive leak sparked immense controversy and drew international attention to Assange and his organization. WikiLeaks continued to publish sensitive documents, such as diplomatic cables and NSA files, further solidifying its reputation as a platform for whistleblowers.

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