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Platformtarget X64 Platformtarget


Visual Studio: Understanding Platform and PlatformTarget for 32-Bit and 64-Bit Applications


Visual Studio provides flexibility in targeting different processor architectures, such as x86 (32-bit) and x64 (64-bit). By understanding the relationship between Platform and PlatformTarget properties, developers can optimize their applications for specific platforms.

Platform vs. PlatformTarget

Platform specifies the target platform for the build, while PlatformTarget determines the instructions generated by the compiler. By default, Platformx64 implies PlatformTargetx64, meaning the application will run on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems. However, this can be overridden to generate platform-specific binaries.

32-Bit Applications on 64-Bit Windows

32-bit (x86) applications can run seamlessly on 64-bit Windows systems thanks to Windows on Windows 64 (WOW64) compatibility layer. This allows developers to target both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms using the same codebase.

Migrating Win32 Projects to 64-Bit

To migrate Win32 project settings to a 64-bit project configuration, developers can leverage the project configurations provided by Visual Studio. This ensures that the application is properly configured for the target platform.

.NET Runtime Considerations

Unlike native C/C++ binaries, .NET applications are compiled to Intermediate Language (IL), which is platform-independent. However, the Platform and PlatformTarget properties still play a role in determining the target platform and the generated instructions.

By default, PlatformAnyCPU implies PlatformTargetx64, but developers can choose to generate platform-specific binaries by changing this setting. It is not uncommon to use the default PlatformAnyCPU and still emit platform-specific binaries.


Understanding the Platform and PlatformTarget properties in Visual Studio is crucial for optimizing applications for specific platforms. By leveraging these properties, developers can build applications that seamlessly run on both 32-bit and 64-bit systems, and take advantage of the latest hardware advancements.

