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How Do You Make Rainbow On Little Alchemy

Making a Rainbow in Little Alchemy

Step 1: Creating Water

Water is represented by the symbol H2O. To create water, combine hydrogen and oxygen.

Step 2: Creating Light

Light is represented by the symbol L. To create light, combine fire and air.

Step 3: Combining Water and Light

To create a rainbow, combine water and light. This will create a rainbow that will appear in the sky.

Additional Notes

You can also create a rainbow by using a prism to refract light. A prism is a triangular piece of glass or plastic that can be used to bend light. When light passes through a prism, it is refracted, or bent. This causes the light to be separated into its component colors, which creates a rainbow.

Rainbows are often seen in the sky after a rain storm. This is because the water droplets in the air act as prisms, refracting the light from the sun and creating a rainbow.
